Whether it’s payroll, business insurance, human resources or something else, we have you covered with tailor-made solutions to fit your every business need.

These core values serve as mantras around the office, helping to remind us why we love what we do and what’s most important each day.

Collective Genius

Only through the recognition of our collective genius can we truly excel and set a new standard of excellence in our industry. Our expertise comes from a variety of sectors, including insurance, human resource consulting, business strategy and much more. Together, our knowledge provides a deep reservoir of wisdom unlike any other.
We use this to create specific plans for each business we work with, ensuring that our Collective Genius is always focused on you and your organization.

Raising the Bar

We’ve understood the importance of human capital for decades. A company is only as strong as its employees, and often enough, employees are only as strong as the foundation they’ve been provided. We assess macrotrends across industry, local conditions impacting your business, and  insights we’ve gained directly from you, in order to Raise the Bar with solutions that best suit your needs.

Staying Curious

Curiosity drives our personal and professional growth each and every day. It has ultimately led to our expansion across 25 states and 89 national offices. We leverage curiosity to ask more questions, continue our education, rigorously research solutions, and ultimately provide you with personalized guidance that can truly move the needle.

Us Before Me

It takes a whole team to grow successfully as a company. While we reward leadership, we look for this ‘Us Before Me’ quality from all of our employees and staff. Our focus is on the success of the whole and expanding upon these successes wherever possible. The individual is only as strong as the unit.

Causes We Support